Relationships are very dynamic. They have Ebbs and flows. Good times and not so good time, but there are ways to recognize that your relationship may be coming to an end. Look for these five signs that may tell you your relationship is either in trouble or may be coming to an end.

#1 Communication Slows Down or Stops:  Communication is the key to any good relationship. Unfortunately, when things in a relationship are not going well, communication usually slows down or stops. If your partner is not talking or calling you with the same frequency they use to, that’s an indicator of a problem in the relationship. If your partner suddenly doesn’t want to talk to you over a period of time or the phone stops ringing, your relationship may be ending. If your partner suddenly stops listening to you when you’re talking, that’s also a warning that there may be a problem in the relationship. Communication is when both people are talking and receiving information mutually. When either one of the people in the relationship stops talking or does not listen anymore, your relationship may be in trouble. Keep in mind, everybody has bad days, and this warning sign happens continuously over a period of time. And not just a bad day or a bad week.

#2 Lack of Enthusiasm:  When you or your partner no longer enjoy doing activities that you once did. Many times, the behavior manifests in doing activities solo or not at all. When you are together, but you or your partner seems to not be happy or does not spend the same amount of time with you. Usually accompanied by excuses of having work to do or needing to deal with other situations. Keep in mind that this will occasionally happen in most relationships at various times but when this behavior becomes a regular occurrence, then you have problems in the relationship that need to be addressed or the relationship is on the verge of ending.

#3 Emotional Withdrawal:  Commonly what follows lack of enthusiasm is emotional withdrawal. If you notice a pattern of emotional withdraw then your relationship may be heading towards a breakup. Emotional withdrawal is a behavior where an individual becomes emotionally detached from a situation or relationship. It involves deliberately distancing oneself emotionally, often as a defense mechanism to protect oneself from experiencing emotional pain or vulnerability. This can manifest as becoming emotionally distant, suppressing emotions, avoiding meaningful connections or discussions, and intentionally creating emotional distance between oneself and others. If you or your partner feel disconnected, emotionally detached, or have a sense of being alone even when together, it can signify a weakening bond.

#4 Frequent arguments: If you notice there are more arguments than normal, that’s a sign the relationship may be in trouble. When people don’t feel understood, loved, or appreciated they tend to get moody and create arguments. Early in the relationship, a bad situation or misunderstanding would just end in mutual disagreement without escalating into arguments. When your relationship is on the way out, arguments may become normal. If you identify this is happening to you, have a calm discussion with your partner and ask them if things are ok between us. Let them know that there are more arguments and that you are worried about the relationship. This gives your partner either an escape or brings to their attention that something is wrong.

#5 Incompatible Goals: If you and your partner have completely incompatible goals and future expectations, then your relationship may be in trouble. This may happen when one partner is very involved in work or volunteer activities and the other partner has nothing to do or has no interest in your activities. As time goes on, your activities become unenjoyable to the other partner and that partner will either interfere with your activities or attempt to get you to quit your activities. For many, this is a deal breaker. Partners need to support each other and believe in the other person’s work or volunteer activities. However, when one partner feels ignored or minimized, then maybe you need to slow down or drop a few activities. This is where good communication is essential to come to a mutual understanding of expectations and goals.

#6 Resentment Continue to Resurface:  Lasting resentment is a relationship killer and man unresolved issues that are not dealt with turn into resentment. It is always better to address continual aggravations with your partner, so it does not turn into resentment. Once resentment sets in and is not dealt with then all the other negative behavior, we discussed start to surface like emotional withdrawal, frequent arguments, and lack of enthusiasm. Get in front of bothersome issues and address them with your partner before they turn into resentment!

#7 Lack of Support and Empathy: When you or your partner consistently fail to provide support, understanding, or empathy for each other’s needs and emotions, it can indicate a significant issue within the relationship.

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